LEVEL 2: The Core Course

Give your family the most nutrient-dense, local food that money can't buy

Learn how to grow your food at home successfully!

Want to supply your own food without relying on the grocery?

Have you ever wondered how to start your own garden?

Wish you had templates for an easy-to-install "lazy garden?"

Do you find yourself in "Trial & Error" mode when gardening?

Here's a handy resource you could dip into whenever you have a garden project or problem: The Core Course!

A self-paced, complete A-Z course on growing your at-home garden in a sustainable, organic way

This course will teach you:

  • How to design & build your permaculture (beyond organic) garden

  • What foods should you grow (biggest bang for your grocery buck) & when to grow it

  • How to maximize your yields by focusing on your soil, planting calendar, space, and sunlight (or lack thereof)

Our Story (How food allergies got us growing)

We started on this path of permaculture gardening when our kids were diagnosed with severe food allergies and failure to thrive. 

This was Ethan at six months with eczema.

And this is him today.

To this day, he still suffers from allergies but to a lesser degree than before.

Sixteen years ago, we did not know where to turn for allergy help. And we had a gnawing sensation that the conventional food system may cause them. So we decided to grow our own food.

Growing Food: A Healthier Alternative

Tired of guessing what toxins might be lurking in your food?

So are we!

Studies show that pesticides found in our food are linked not only to allergies but to cancer!

More recent studies reveal that glyphosate (a common constituent of commercial pesticides) causes diseases across generations!

So we were going to garden!

The only problem was we had no idea how to start growing food. So we bought seeds and soil and built our first raised beds. But It seemed as if everything we tried to grow died!

We failed miserably our first year & had a few tomatoes to show for our efforts.

What were we doing wrong?

Permaculture: The design system we used to grow 25% of our fruits and veggies (in a townhouse backyard)

After much research, trial & error, and frustration, we stumbled upon "permaculture," a holistic design system for sustainable living & regenerative agriculture.  

Dave and I (Nicky) began putting into practice what we learned from the permaculture certificate courses we enrolled in and started with observation & design. In short, we planned before we planted.  

We have grown 300 lbs of produce/per year from a tiny townhome's garden and over $3,000/per year on the organic herbs, flowers, fruit & veggies that we no longer need to buy. (Not to mention the lotion, salves, teas, and remedies we make from the garden that keeps us healthy.) 

These and our nutrient-dense backyard food most likely save us from getting sick and paying costly medical bills.

See photos of our backyard's evolution in 5 years below.

Year 1

Year `

Year 2.5

Year 5

We continue to learn & grow

We couldn't keep our passion for growing and teaching others to grow food a secret.

We built a permaculture garden at our kids' school.

We installed our parents' gardens.

We sat in on community garden meetings aiming to demonstrate that growing food was one's right and need.

We learned from our mistakes.

We took notes, recorded what worked & what didn't & created The Core Course

At the heart of all our efforts, we want to help other families to provide themselves with their own:

  • food
  • medicine &
  • spiritual connection
    through ecological gardening.

We are honored to do just that with families around the US. Here are some photos of gardens from our clients.


Image of a Raised Bed




  • How is this different from the GIY Membership Program?
    The Core Course is the course-only portion of the 12-month membership program. The Core Course does not include seeds and plants mailed to you, monthly support, mentoring, an online garden community, a garden design app, and monthly trainings that are a part of the GIY Program.
  • Do I have lifetime access to this course?  
  • What if I'm not happy with this course?
    We have a 30-day money-back guarantee, provided you finish the Core Course.  

Last Words

With the wildfires in Australia and California...
The devastating hurricanes & storms that leave ruined homes in their wake...
With global desertification at hand.

We feel the call strongly to help other families steward their own little patch of earth & transform it into the Garden of Eden.

This is why the Course-only portion of GIY exists:

The Core Course exists so you can build your own permaculture garden at your own pace.

It exists because we are removing financial barriers to accessing this type of learning.

The Core Course is not for you if you:

  • Need personalized help
  • Tailored-to-you seed and plant recommendations
  • Troubleshooting help with pests
  • Accountability to finish your garden goals
  • A community to learn from and get inspired from and 
  • SAGE, a garden design app to help you get the data on crop timings and garden design right!

If you want that kind of help, please join GIY: a 12-month Grow-It-Yourself guided membership

But If you...

  • Can hold yourself accountable for taking this course
  • Want to teach your children where their food comes from through video and
  • Are committed to the actual growing part of this course, and not just the watching of it 
  • And will do what it takes to grow nutrient-dense veggies in your backyard. Then...

9 Modules

Modules for this product 9
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 The Core Course One-Time Payment
 $ 297.00 USD
 The Core Course Payment Plan
 $ 99.00 USD  ( then $99.00 USD for 2 months )

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